Whenever we go somewhere on vacation, one of the first things we do is check out as many videos online of the place where we're going. This not only helps give us a feel of some of the things we can look forward to, but it is a great way to give the kids a small taste of where we're going and what they can expect. (This can help to alleviate some fears of younger kids, while giving older kids something concrete to look forward to.) As many videos as there are online either on YouTube or some of these other video-sharing sites, one thing you won't want to miss is checking out some of the various web cams in Seattle. Here are a couple Seattle web cams that I've run across online. While they aren't the most exciting things to watch 24 hours a day, they can provide you a small taste of what to expect (at least weather-wise) for your trip to Seattle.
Marqueen Hotel Cam
Space Needle Web Cam
Silverdale, WA Web Cam Hopefully at least one of these will peak your curiosity and give you a little taste of what you might be able to see on your next trip to Seattle.
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